Last updated December 13, 2024
If you are a contractor, you must contact the following sources for information about your species. You must also include a contact tracking sheet with the first draft of your status report.
On this page
- Federal organizations
- National Defence
- Members from provinces and territories
- Conservation data centres / natural heritage information centres
- Wildlife management boards
- Recovery of listed wildlife species
- COSEWIC Secretariat
For further information or assistance, contact the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) Secretariat or the appropriate species specialist subcommittee co-chair.
Federal organizations
Status report writers must contact the following federal departments for known sources of information.
- Canadian Wildlife Service: regional offices
- Canadian Museum of Nature
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Parks Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service: regional offices
Contact only the regional offices that correspond to the range of the species.
Northern Region: Species in Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut Michael Svoboda (Please also cc Bruce Laurich) Unit Head, Conservation Planning / Species at Risk Canadian Wildlife Service Environment and Climate Change Canada 91780 Alaska Highway Whitehorse YT Y1A 5X7 Telephone: 867-667-3939 Email: Email: |
Pacific region: species in British Columbia Renée Lapointe, PhD (Please also cc Eric Gross) Manager, Species at Risk and Regulatory Affairs Environment and Climate Change Canada Canadian Wildlife Service, Pacific Region 5421 Robertson Road Delta BC V4K 3N2 Telephone: 780-288-6074 Email: Email: |
Prairie region: species in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba Candace Neufeld Acting Head, Species at Risk Recovery Planning Unit Canadian Wildlife Service Environment and Climate Change Canada Government of Canada 115 Perimeter Rd Saskatoon SK S7N 0X4 Telephone: 306-203-6551 Email: |
Ontario region: species in Ontario Karolyne Pickett Species at Risk Biologist Conservation Planning - ON 4905 Dufferin St Toronto ON M3H 5T4 Telephone: 416-739-4504 Email: |
Quebec region: species in Quebec Karine Picard (Please also cc Sandrine Bureau) Canadian Wildlife Service Environment and Climate Change Canada 801-1550, avenue d'Estimauville Québec QC G1J 0C3 Telephone: 418-648-7505 Email: Email: |
Atlantic region: species in Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia Joshua Mailhiot (Please also cc Christine Gilroy) Canadian Wildlife Service Environment and Climate Change Canada 45 Alderney Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 2N6 Telephone: 709-687-7562 Email : Email : |
Canadian Museum of Nature |
Dr. Katriina Ilves Beaty Centre for Species Discovery Research and Collections Canadian Museum of Nature Ottawa ON K1P 6P4 Email: |
Gregory Rand Email: |
Fisheries and Oceans Canada |
Jennifer Diment Science Advisor, Species at Risk Department of Fisheries and Oceans 200 Kent Street Ottawa ON K1A 0E6 Telephone: 431-275-2607 Email: |
Dr. Heather Bowlby Research Lead Canadian Atlantic Shark Research Laboratory Fisheries & Oceans, Canada Bedford Institute of Oceanography P.O. Box: 1006 Dartmouth NS B2Y 4A2 Email: |
Shannan May-McNally Acting Senior Science Advisor, Species at risk and Atlantic Salmon Department of Fisheries and Oceans 200 Kent Street Ottawa K1A 0E6 Telephone: 613-297-7044 Email: |
Parks Canada |
Jean-Louis Provencher Parks Canada 3 Passage Du Chien-d'Or Conservation Programs Branch Québec QC G1R 4V7 Telephone: 418-571-5599 Email: |
Dr. Pippa Shepherd Species Conservation and Management Ecosystem Scientist III Parks Canada 300 - 300 West Georgia St Vancouver BC V6B 6B4 Telephone: 604-666-7378 Email: |
National Defence
Rachel McDonald Senior environmental advisor National Defence (ADM(IE)/ DGESM/ DESM) 110 O'Connor Street (#1188) Ottawa ON K1P 1H1 Telephone: 613-971-7330 Email: |
Members from provinces and territories
Alberta | |
Dr. Gordon Court Provincial Wildlife Status Biologist Fish and Wildlife Policy Division Environment and Parks 2nd Floor, Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton AB T5K 2M4 Telephone: 780-422-9536 Email: |
Robin Gutsell Species at Risk, Non-Game and Wildlife Disease Policy Environment and Parks 2nd floor, Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton AB T5K 2M4 Telephone: 780-644-1154 Email: |
British Columbia | |
Dr. Purnima Govindarajulu Unit Head, Species Conservation Unit conservation Science Section, Ecosystems Branch Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy 4th Floor, 525 Superior Street P.O. Box 9338 Stn Prov Govt Victoria BC V8W 0C5 Email: |
Manitoba | |
Chris Friesen Coordinator 200 Saulteaux Crescent Manitoba Conservation Data Centre P.O. Box: 24 Winnipeg MB R3J 3W3 Telephone: 204-945-7747 Email: |
Brian L Joynt Conservation Zoologist Wildlife Branch Manitoba Natural Resources & Northern Development P.O. Box: 24 14 Fultz Blvd Winnipeg MB R3Y 0L6 Telephone: 204-451-2506 Email: |
New Brunswick | |
Mary Sabine Biologist Species at Risk Program Fish and Wildlife Branch Department of Natural Resources Hugh John Flemming Forestry Centre P.O. Box: 6000 Fredericton NB E3B 5H1 Telephone: 506-453-7103 Email: |
Newfoundland and Labrador | |
Jessica Humber Ecosystem management ecologist Endangered Species and Biodiversity Section Department of Environment and Conservation 117 Riverside Drive P.O. Box: 2007 Corner Brook NL A2H 7S1 Telephone: 709-637-4608 Email: |
Shelley Moores Senior manager Endangered Species and Biodiversity Wildlife Division Department of Environment and Conservation 117 Riverside Drive P.O. Box: 2007 Corner Brook NL A2H 7S1 Telephone: 709-637-2018 Email: |
Northwest Territories | |
Ève Lamontagne Manager, Wildlife Research and Monitoring Department of Environment and Natural Resources Government of Northwest Territories P.O. Box: 240 Fort Simpson NT X0E 0N0 Email: |
Nova Scotia | |
Dr. Donna Hurlburt Wildlife Division Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry Kentville NS B4N 4E5 Telephone: 902-679-6886 Email: |
Ontario | |
Colin Jones Provincial arthropod zoologist Ontario Natural Heritage Information Centre Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry 300 Water St., 2nd Floor N. P.O. Box: 7000 Peterborough ON K9J 3C7 Telephone: 705-937-0336 Email: |
Dr. Brent Patterson Senior Research Scientist Wildlife Research and Monitoring Section Ontario Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry c/o Trent University, DNA Building 2140 East Bank Drive Peterborough ON K9J 7B6 Telephone: 705-755-1553 Email: |
Quebec (fauna) | |
Nathalie Desrosiers Biologiste Direction de la biodiversité et des maladies de la faune Direction générale de l'expertise sur la faune et ses habitats Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec 880, chemin Ste-Foy, 2e étage Québec QC G1S 4X4 Telephone: 418-627-8694 Ext. 7418 Email: |
Isabelle Gauthier Biologiste Coordonnatrice provinciale des espèces fauniques menacées ou vulnérables Direction générale de la gestion de la faune et des habitats Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs 880, chemin Sainte-Foy, 2e étage Québec QC G1S 4X4 Telephone: 418-627-8694 Ext. 7456 Email: |
Quebec (Flora) | |
Chantal Bouchard Email: |
Benoit Tremblay Email: |
Saskatchewan | |
Erin Swerdfeger Zoologist Fish, Wildlife and Lands Branch Ministry of Environment Government of Saskatchewan 3211 Albert Street, 4th Floor Regina SK S4S 5W6 Email: |
Yukon Territory | |
Thomas Jung Senior Wildlife Biologist Fish and Wildlife Branch Government of Yukon PO Box 2703 Whitehorse YT Y1A 2C6 Telephone (1): 867-667-5766 Telephone (2): 867-336-2048 Email: |
Tyler Kuhn Senior Biologist, Habitat Government of Yukon Whitehorse YT Y1A 4Y9 Telephone: 867-332-6649 Email: |
Conservation data centres and natural heritage information centres
For general information, see the following:
NatureServe Canada leads to information on NatureServe Canada and its network of conservation data centres.
All contractors must contact all conservation data centres/natural heritage information centres corresponding to the range of the species.
British Columbia Conservation Data Centre | Alberta Conservation Information Management System |
Ecosystems Branch, BC Ministry of Environment Mezzanine, 395 Waterfront Crescent Victoria, BC V8T 5K7 Telephone: 250-356-0928 Toll free through Enquiry B.C. 1-800-663-7867 Fax: 250-387-6494 Email: Mailing address: B.C. Conservation Data Centre Ecosystems Branch, BC Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 9338 Station Provincial Government Victoria, BC V8W 9M1 |
Land Management Branch | Parks Division Alberta Environment and Parks 2nd Floor Oxbridge Place 9820–106 Street Edmonton, AB, T5K 2J6 Telephone: 780-427-5209 Fax: 780-427-5980 Email: |
Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre | Manitoba Conservation Data Centre |
3211 Albert Street Regina, SK S4S 5W6 Coordinator: Jeff Keith Telephone: 306-787-7196 Fax: 306-787-9544 |
P.O. Box 24, 200 Saulteaux Cresent Winnipeg, MB R3J 3W3 Telephone: 204-945-7775 Fax: 204-945-3077 |
Ontario Natural Heritage Information Centre | |
Ministry of Natural Resources NHIC Information Requests |
Centre de données sur le patrimoine naturel du Québec
Fauna | Flora |
Centre de données sur le patrimoine naturel du Québec Téléphone : 418-627-8694, poste 7312 |
Centre de données sur le patrimoine naturel du Québec Telephone: 418-521-3907, poste 4788 |
Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre
Maritimes requests: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island | Newfoundland and Labrador requests |
P.O. Box 6416 John Klymko |
Adam Durocher Telephone: 709-637-2494 |
Yukon Conservation Data Centre | NWT Conservation Data Centre and Wildlife Management Information System |
10 Burns Road Telephone: 867-667-5331 |
Environment and Natural Resources Telephone: 855-783-4301 |
Wildlife management boards
Status report writers to contact wildlife management boards to request available information on wildlife species, including harvest studies and other surveys or reports. Contact COSEWIC Secretariat if you are unsure which Wildlife Management Boards have jurisdiction over a species.
Alsek Renewable Resources Council (ARRC) All species defined in the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Final Agreement Co-chairpersons: Mark Nassiopoulos, Gary Darbyshire Executive director: Cassandra Wheeler P.O. Box 2077 Haines Junction YT Y0B 1L0 Telephone: 867-634-2524 Email: |
Carcross / Tagish Renewable Resources Council (CTRRC) All species defined in the Carcross / Tagish First Nation Final Agreement Chair: Don Toews Executive Director: Andrew Serack Secretariat: Patricia Reeder P.O. Box 70 Tagish YT Y0B 1T0 Telephone: 867-399-4923 Email: |
Carmacks Renewable Resources Council (CRRC) All species defined in the Little Salmon / Carmacks First Nation Final Agreement Chair: Vera Charlie P.O. Box 122 Carmacks YT Y0B 1C0 Telephone: 867-863-6838 Email: |
Dän Keyi Renewable Resources Council (DKRRC) All species defined in the Kluane First Nation Final Agreement Co-chair: Sian Williams P.O. Box 50 Burwash Landing YT Y0B 1V0 Telephone: 867-841-5820 Email: |
Dawson District Renewable Resources Council (DDRRC) All species defined in the Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in Final Agreement Co-Chair: Mark Wierda and Dan Reynolds P.O. Box 1380 Dawson City YT Y0B 1G0 Telephone: 867-993-6976 Email: |
Eeyou Marine Region Wildlife Board (EMRWB) The Eeyou Marine Region Wildlife Board (EMRWB) is responsible for wildlife management, regulation and research in the Eeyou Marine Region. Chairperson: Fred Tomatuk Wildlife Management Director: Angela Coxon Wildlife Management Biologist: Stephanie Varty Wildlife Management Biologist: Felix Boulanger P.O. Box 580 4 Chief Isaiah Salt Road Waskaganish QC J0M 1R0 Telephone: 819-895-2262 Email: Email: Email: Email: |
Fisheries Joint Management Committee (FJMC) All fish and marine mammals in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region Chairperson: Herb Nakimayak Committee Program Manager: Jennifer Lam Resource Biologist: Stacey Challinor P.O. Box 2120 Inuvik NT X0E 0T0 Telephone: 867-777-2828 Email: Email: Email: |
Gwich'in Renewable Resources Board (GRRB) All species in the Gwich'in settlement area Chair: Robert Charlie-Tetlichi Executive director: Vacant P.O. Box 2240 105 Veterans' Way Inuvik NT X0E 0T0 Telephone: 867-777-6600 Email: |
Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Coordinating Committee (HFTCC) All species defined in the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement and the Northeastern Quebec Agreement Chairperson: Norman Wapachee Executive Secretary: Miles Smart Analyst: Nancy Bouchard 1080 Beaver Hall, bureau 1420 Montreal QC H2Z 1S8 Telephone: 514-284-2151 Email: Email: |
Inuvialuit Game Council (IGC) Represents the collective Inuvialuit interest in all matters pertaining to management of wildlife and wildlife habitat in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region Chair: Dean Arey Resource Coordinator: Davonna Kasook Committee program manager: Jennifer Lam P.O. Box 2120 107 Mackenzie Road Inuvik NT Telephone : 867-777-2828 Telephone : 867-777-2610 Email: Email: Email: |
Laberge Renewable Resources Council (LRRC) All species defined in the Ta'an Kwach'an Council Final Agreement Co-chairs: John LaVallee and Len Mychasiw Executive director: Charolette O'Donnell 3A Glacier Road Whitehorse YT Y1A 5S7 Telephone: 867-393-3940 Email: |
Mayo District Renewable Resources Council (MDRRC) All species defined in the Nacho Nyak Dun First Nation Final Agreement Co-Chair: Ronalda Moses Executive director: Barb Shannon P.O. Box 249 Mayo YT Y0B 1M0 Telephone: 867-996-2942 Email: |
Maa-Nulth Joint Fisheries Committee (MNJFC) The MNJFC is to undertake cooperative planning for Maa-nulth First Nation fishing, fisheries management activities and other fisheries-related matters Chairperson: Larry Johnson Administration assistant: Kathleen Lundy-Sam 5091 Tsumas-as Drive Port Alberni BC V9Y 8X9 Telephone: 250-724-1802 Email: Email: |
Nisga'a Wildlife Committee (NWC) / Nisga'a Joint Fisheries Management Committee (NJFMC) NWC - terrestrial mammals, non-migratory birds, reptiles, amphibians, non-anadromous fish in non-tidal waters NJFMC - marine mammals, fish, marine inverts, aquatic plants Director of fisheries and wildlife: Chief Harry Nyce, Sr. Nisga'a Lisims Government P.O. Box 231 New Aiyansh BC V0J 1A0 Telephone: 250-633-3000 Email: |
North Yukon Renewable Resources Council (NYRRC) All species defined in the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Final Agreement Chair: Steve Climie Executive director: Jason Van Fleet P.O. Box 80 Old Crow YT Y0B 1N0 Telephone: 867-966-3034 Email: |
Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board (NMRWB) The NMRWB is the main instrument of wildlife management in the NMR and the main regulator of access to wildlife Chair: Iola Metuq Director of Wildlife Management: Mark Basterfield Executive director: Tommy Palliser Biologist: Frankie Jean-Gagnon P.O. Box 433 Telephone: 819-254-8667 Email: Email: Email: Email: |
Nunavut Wildlife Management Board (NWMB) Chairperson: Daniel Shewchuk Executive director: Jason Akearok Senior Wildlife and Policy Advisor: Kyle Ritchie Receptionist: Taqialuq Sataa P.O. Box 1379 Iqaluit NU X0A 0H0 Telephone: 867-975-7300 Email: Email: Email: |
Porcupine Caribou Management Board (PCMB) To ensure the collaborative management of the Porcupine Caribou Herd Chairperson: Joe Tetlichi Executive director: Deana Lemke P.O. Box 31723 Whitehorse YT Y1A 6L3 Telephone: 867-633-4780 Email: |
Sahtu Renewable Resources Board (SRRB) All species in the Sahtu settlement area. Acting Chair: Donna Schear Acting Executive Director: Catarina Owen Science Advisor: Colin Macdonald P.O. Box 134 Tulita NT X0E 0K0 Telephone: 867-588-4040 Email: Email: |
Selkirk Renewable Resources Council (SRRC) The mandate of the Selkirk RRC is to make management recommendation related to fish, wildlife and their habitat, and forest resources, as outlined in Chapters 16 and 17 of the Selkirk First Co-chairs: Jerry Alfred, Jerry Kruse P.O. Box 32 Pelly Crossing YT Y0B 1P0 Telephone: 867-537-3938 Email: Email: |
Teslin Renewable Resources Council (TRRC) All species defined in the Teslin Tlingit Council Final Agreement Chairperson: Sandy Smarch P.O. Box 186 Teslin YT Y0A 1B0 Telephone: 867-390-2323 Email: Email: |
Tla'amin Joint Fisheries Committee (TAJFC) The TAJFC is to undertake cooperative planning for Tla'amin fishing, fisheries management activities, and other fisheries-related matters c/o Hegus (Chief): John Hackett, Tla'amin Nation Executive Councillor Erik Blaney 4779 Klahanie Road Powell River BC V8A 0C4 Telephone: 604-483-9646 Telephone: 778-762-5049 Email: Email: |
Torngat Joint Fisheries Board (TJFB) Fish, marine mammals and aquatic plants in the Labrador Inuit Settlement Area Chairperson: Caroline Davis Executive director: Jamie Snook Fisheries Analyst: Craig Taylor P.O. Box 2050, Station B 217 Hamilton River Road Happy Valley-Goose Bay NL A0P 1E0 Telephone: 709-896-6780 Email: Email: |
Torngat Wildlife and Plants Co-Management Board (TWPCB) All species of wildlife and plants in the Labrador Inuit Settlement Area Chairperson: Dr. Ron Sparkes Executive director: Jamie Snook Senior Policy Analyst: Aaron Dale P.O. Box 2050, Station B 217 Hamilton River Road Happy Valley-Goose Bay NL A0P 1E0 Telephone: 709-896-6780 Email: Email: |
Tsawwassen Joint Fisheries Committee (TWJFC) The TWJFC is to undertake cooperative planning for Tsawwassen First Nation fishing, fisheries management activities, environmental protection activities, and other fisheries-related matters Chief: Laura Cassidy Natural resources manager: Krystal Lockert Executive Assistant to the Chief & CAO: Andrea Jacobs 1926 Tsawwassen Dr N. Tsawwassen BC V4M 4G4 Telephone: 604-948-5211 Email: |
Wek'eezhii Renewable Resources Board (WRRB) All species in the Tlicho settlement area Chair: Joseph Judas Executive director: Jody Pellissey Conservation biologist: Amanda Weltman Lands Protection & Renewable Resources Manager: Michael Birlea 4504-49 Avenue, Office 102A Yellowknife NT X1A 1A7 Telephone: 867-873-5740 Email: Email: Email: |
Wildlife Management Advisory Council: North Slope (WMAC-NS) All species in the Yukon North Slope portion of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region Chairperson: Jennifer Smith Program Director: Kaitlin Wilson Program manager: Allison Thompson Program manager: Ryan Durack Committee Program Manager: Jennifer Lam P.O. Box 31539 Whitehorse YT Y1A 6K8 Telephone: 867-633-5476 Email: Email: Email: Email: Email: Email: |
Wildlife Management Advisory Council: Northwest Territories (WMAC-NWT) Birds and terrestrial animals in the Northwest Territories portion of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region Chairperson: Larry Carpenter WMAC NWT Coordinator: Corrine Bullock Committee Program Manager: Jennifer Lam P.O. Box 2120 107 Mackenzie Road Inuvik NT X0E 0T0 Telephone: 867-777-2828 Email: Email: Email: |
Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board (YFWMB) All species in the Yukon except Porcupine Caribou Chair: Michelle Dawson-Beattie Executive director: Graham Van Tighem Office Manager: Diane Sheldon P.O. Box 31104 409 Black Street, Second Floor Dana Näye Ventures Building Whitehorse YT Y1A 5P7 Telephone: 867-667-5835 Email: Email: |
Yukon Salmon Sub-Committee (YSSC) The YSSC, a sub-committee of YFWMB, is established as the main instrument of salmon management in the Yukon Chair: Tim Gerberding P.O. Box 31094 409 Black Street Whitehorse YT Y1A 5P7 Telephone: 867-393-6725 Email: |
Recovery of listed wildlife species
For wildlife species listed under the Species at Risk Act, the Species at Risk Public Registry provides information on the recovery of each species including a profile listing the recovery team chair (where applicable), the status of recovery planning documents (recovery strategies, management plans and action plans) and access to those documents when they have been posted.
Species at Risk Public Registry
For species occurring in Newfoundland and Labrador please contact the Newfoundland and Labrador COSEWIC members.
COSEWIC Secretariat
COSEWIC Secretariat support for the preparation of distribution maps and information and instruction on sources of Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge.
Canadian Wildlife Service
Environment and Climate Change Canada
351 St. Joseph Boulevard, 14th floor
Gatineau QC K1A 0H3