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COSEWIC wildlife species assessments (short version), December 2023

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Wildlife species are sorted according to current status and then by taxonomic group. Previous status is shown when applicable1.

Status December 2023 Taxonomic group Common name (population) Previous status and date of previous assessment Range of occurrence in Canada
Extinct Fishes Enos Lake Benthic Threespine Stickleback Endangered (May-2012) BC
Extinct Fishes Enos Lake Limnetic Threespine Stickleback Endangered (May-2012) BC
Endangered Mammals Killer Whale (Northeast Pacific Southern Resident population) Endangered (Nov-2008) BC, Pacific Ocean
Endangered Birds Ivory Gull Endangered (Apr-2006) NL, NT, NU, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean
Endangered Fishes Misty Lake Lentic Threespine Stickleback Endangered (Nov-2006) BC
Endangered Fishes Misty Lake Lotic Threespine Stickleback Endangered (Nov-2006) BC
Endangered Fishes Paxton Lake Benthic Threespine Stickleback Endangered (Apr-2010) BC
Endangered Fishes Paxton Lake Limnetic Threespine Stickleback Endangered (Apr-2010) BC
Endangered Fishes Unarmoured Threespine Stickleback Special Concern (Nov-2013) BC
Endangered Fishes Vananda Creek Benthic Threespine Stickleback Endangered (Apr-2010) BC
Endangered Fishes Vananda Creek Limnetic Threespine Stickleback Endangered (Apr-2010) BC
Endangered Vascular Plants Cleland's Evening-primrose Not applicable ON
Threatened Mammals Killer Whale (Northeast Pacific Northern Resident population) Threatened (Nov-2008) BC, Pacific Ocean
Threatened Mammals Killer Whale (Northeast Pacific Offshore population) Threatened (Nov-2008) BC, Pacific Ocean
Threatened Mammals Killer Whale (Northeast Pacific Transient population) Threatened (Nov-2008) BC, Pacific Ocean
Threatened Birds Gray-cheeked Thrush minimus subspecies Not applicable NL, NS, QC
Threatened Amphibians Mudpuppy (Manitoba population) Not applicable MB
Threatened Fishes Little Quarry Lake Benthic Threespine Stickleback Threatened (Nov-2015) BC
Threatened Fishes Little Quarry Lake Limnetic Threespine Stickleback Threatened (Nov-2015) BC
Threatened Vascular Plants Forked Bluecurls Not applicable NS, ON, QC
Threatened Vascular Plants Hibberson's Trillium Not applicable BC
Threatened Mosses Rigid Apple Moss Endangered (Nov-2009) BC
Special Concern Mammals Killer Whale (Northwest Atlantic / Eastern Arctic population) Special Concern (Nov-2008) MB, NB, NL, NS, NU, PE, QC, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean
Special Concern Birds Horned Grebe Not applicable AB, BC, MB, NB, NS, NT, NU, ON, QC, SK, YT, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean
Special Concern Birds Yellow Rail Special Concern (Nov-2009) AB, BC, MB, NB, NT, NU, ON, QC, SK
Special Concern Amphibians Mudpuppy (Great Lakes / St. Lawrence population) Not applicable ON, QC
Special Concern Fishes Giant Threespine Stickleback Special Concern (Nov-2013) BC
Special Concern Arthropods Finlayson's Oakworm Moth Not applicable ON
Special Concern Vascular Plants Macoun's Meadowfoam Threatened (Nov-2004) BC
Special Concern Vascular Plants White Wood Aster Threatened (Nov-2002) ON, QC

(1) The report on Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina) was withdrawn to incorporate newly available information.
Meeting date: December 1, 2023

About us

The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) is an independent advisory panel to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada that meets twice a year to assess the status of wildlife species at risk of extinction. Members are wildlife biology experts from academia, government, non-governmental organizations and the private sector responsible for designating wildlife species in danger of disappearing from Canada.

COSEWIC secretariat

Canadian Wildlife Service
Environment and Climate Change Canada
351 St. Joseph Blvd, 14th floor
Gatineau QC K1A 0H3


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